Sunday 3 June 2012

Starting my new way...

It is time to start a new way of communication. A lot of people asked me for a book, which I will write one day... however, at the moment I am kind of busy to do that however, this blog can be the way to reach that dream.
A recent conversation remind me of the fact that Facebook owns my pictures, which I knew but, I decided not to give that pleasure to that business anymore! ahhahaha so... people interested in my pictures check here! I think it is a very nice idea! And usually you can find a lot of help in many topics through blogs. I used them for travelling and informatics problems usually so... maybe I am able to help someone with time because at the moment I am just a newcomer here! I need to research on the options first! ahhahahha so please do not be suprised if you see something "strange" during my first days and adaption to the new way of communication. Finally! I do not only adapt myself to knew places where to live, also new technology! yeaaaaaaaaaah being involved in hydroinformatics is a must, right? or almost...
Well I cut the conection by now... time to explore this "cyber-book" could I call it like that? :?
Greetings to everyone everywhere and I hope to receive comments! Not many as FB for sure... but some! ^^