Special pictures

Moment to laugh, moment to think...pictures out of normal!

Nice to review some folders full of pictures and memories... this section is a good excuse for me to do that and also the opportunity to offer some nice shots or curious ones sometimes... while I do not have an extraordinary camera or  fantastic skills for photography :P
My first backpacker trip brought me to the ex-Yugoslavia region and I selected today to talk a singular animal which I guess not many know...
Postojna (Slovenia) 2009
The chordate of the caves.
Postojna (Slovenia) April 2009
It was in Slovenia, my last stop, exactly in the cave of Postojna, place I strongly recommend. Have a look at: http://www.slovenia.info/?naravne_znamenitosti_jame=450. It was quite expensive in 2009 when I was there but I definitely would pay again to see that wonderful cave which have a train inside!
About the creature, unique in Europe, as you can read in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olm , seems to be out from a tale so extraordinary to see that animal blind living in that darkness and that complex (for the place where it lives). The magic of the picture is that you cannot use flash and I was able to catch this image thanks to the small lights they provide with in the "museum" let's say. At the same time you knew the existance of another animal, a very curious one! :)

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