One more day I have a question in mind concerning to work: is it better to have an easy-boring job or a challenging-difficult one?
I know that depends on the person because some people might be very happy just doing repetitive work where you do not need to think so much. Then, at the end of the month they have their reward and they are happy with it. Other, in the contrary, prefer stimulating work, challenges, different tasks and non-stop learning.
I am in the second group but sometimes it is just so tiring. You do not see yourself growing so much because maybe your field is too difficult or you are not awake enough on Monday morning. Just some sleepiness could help you to miss a good lesson from a senior who has just a few minutes for you every couple of days. It is hard, but addictive at the same. Having the bug of learning something new everyday, to see achievements in different tasks, different projects... these are things which some people, like me, need. On the other side of the coin, you see your friends relaxed, with no stress or much less than you... their workday has finished and you... thinking about going home to check something new you came across at work or still thinking how to sort out what stuck you during the day.
What I am not sure is if the previous equation works well. I would add that intelligence plays an important role but not only that, also soft skills like interaction. There are still some tasks and knowledge which is not that easy to find in Internet and you need to obtain it from another person. Knowing how to ask, when to ask and how to pose your question are key to receive a good lesson to help you growing professionally. If you are from sciences/engineering you know there are no simple equations like this one. You know that everything in nature has many components and influences and life is the same. However, we like to believe that there are a few factors to achieve our goals, also because it is more straightforward to be focused on a few aspects.
I would like to finish the reflection with a few tips I should apply to myself but hey! It is always give recommendations and encourage others than yourself! We should enjoy our work, same as life. Stop doing whatever you are doing and breathing slowly helps to relax. There are no benefits in a tense environment, your brain cannot work effectively and your concentration goes away. I think a few post-its are needed after a long day of work to remind us some indisputable principles! :)
I know that depends on the person because some people might be very happy just doing repetitive work where you do not need to think so much. Then, at the end of the month they have their reward and they are happy with it. Other, in the contrary, prefer stimulating work, challenges, different tasks and non-stop learning.

I wonder many times... is it worthy? From a broad perspective it seems that people who are learning/challenge-addictive, are always suffering and the recompense is not great compared to the effort they put and the time they invested. However, thinking deeply, I always end up with the same answer: "It is worthy". Why? Because, a job, a workday without excitement, without surprises, unexpected facts/situations will give me not much to tell, not much to feel happy about (when I achieve something).